2011 Schipperke Club of Canada National Specialty August
5 & 6,
Whitemud Equine Learning
12505 Keillor Road
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Postgate, BC
Past President......................................................................................................
Joyce Bernhardt, ON
Vice President.............................................................................................................Lea
Murray, AB
Whelihan, BC
Van Eenoo
264196 Prouse Rd., R.R.#1 Mount Elgin,
ON N0J 1N0 519-842-6066 e mail: mve@oxford.net
Directors: .............................................................................
Jude Murphy, NB Tracey Paulson,BC
Janice Purnell, ON Bonnitta Ritchie YT
Junior Puppy, Senior Puppy, 12-18
Months, Canadian Bred, Bred By Exhibitor, Open Classes for both males & females, Veteran Dog, Veteran Bitch (7 years &
over on the day of the Specialty, may be spayed or neutered) Specials Only. Exhibition and Sexually Altered Classes divided
by sex.
Brace, Stud Dog and Get, Brood Bitch
and Progeny
Brace: class shall be for 2 dogs of
the same breed (not necessarily the same sex). Judged after Best of Breed. Judged as identical pair - same colour size, gait
and same stride. A spayed/neutered dog may be entered in the Brace .
Exhibition Only: All dogs entered
in this class shall be listed in the catalogue with the same particulars as dogs entered in regular competitions. Dogs may
not compete in any Regular class but may enter and compete in Non-Regular classes and/or Parades as provided for in the premium
Stud Dog: Stud dog and 2 or more of
his get. Ownership need not be identical. Stud must be entered in a Regular class or in Exhibition Only. Get must be entered
in a Regular Class. Dogs entered in Stud Dog may be spayed/neutered and must be entered in a Regular class as outlined in
these rules for Exhibition Only.
Brood Bitch: Same requirements as
the Stud Dog and Get class. Dogs entered in this class may be spayed/neutered and must be entered in a Regular class as outlined
in these rules or for Exhibition Only.
Award of Merit: this award will be
made after the Best of Breed judging. One Award of Merit is offered for every 10 dogs competing at the Best of Breed level.
The Schipperke Club of Canada offers
prizes and Rosettes for:
Best of Breed Best of Opposite Sex,
Best Canadian Bred in Breed, Best Puppy, Best of Winners, Winners Male and Female, Reserve Winners
Male and Female, Veterans Male and
Female, Best Brace, Best Stud Dog, Best Brood Bitch
Best of Breed.........................................................................................................................Peterson
Best of Opposite Sex............................................................................................Kleingaul
& Freewood Trophy
Best Canadian Bred...............................................................................................Fran
Hoye Memorial Trophy
Best Puppy in Breed....................................................................................................Kinnear
All Perpetual Trophies remain the
property and in possession of the SCC
The Schipperke Club of Canada Specialty Obedience/Rally - on Saturday
SHOWMANSHIP -Classes: Pee Wee, Junior, Intermediate, and Senior - Novice and Open for Juniors handling a Schipperke.
Entries will be taken at the show
up to one half hour before the Judging of the Specialty begins, and held following Specialty Breed
judging. A Prize and Rosette to the Best Junior Handler, and a Rosette
to Class Winners.
Schipperke Special Events
Judge: Mel Saranchuk (Alberta, Canada)
Sweeps Judge: David Hamilton
Patty-Cake Judge: TBA
Edmonton Kennel Club Show: August 4-6, 2011
Friday August 5, 2011:
"Silent Auction" commences!
"Meet & Greet" for all Pet Parents, Exhibitors, Fanciers, Etc. including a "Wine & Cheese Party" (n/c)
Breeders: invite your puppy clients - pet owners - friends - family
Sweepstakes Class
Saturday August 6, 2011:
Specialty in the Morning
Various Classes will be offered see the Premium List
Light Luncheon with Refreshments will be provided immediately after the Specialty is held
Silent Auction ends Saturday after "Best in Show" is awarded
Donations: send to Diana Kinnear, 11833 94 St NW, Edmonton AB T5G1J3
If you make a donation, you will receive a free ad in the catalogue. Ads
must be camera ready and sent to the Show Secretary - Cathy Cinnamon, and to Diana to track
Premium list and information is on www.canuckdogs.com under Prairies Closing date July 12, 2011
Donations to date:
Best of Breed -
Best Opposite Sex - Marion Postgate
Best of Winners -
Best Cdn Bred -
Best Puppy - Diana Kinnear
Winners Male -
Winners Female - Robert/Elisabeth Smith
Reserve Winners Male-
Reserve Winners Female-
Best Stud Dog-
Best Brood Bitch--
Best Brace-
Best Altered Male-
Best Altered Female-
Obedience-Bonnie Ritchie
Rally-Bonnie Ritchie