History in the making: Stud dog class has 4 generations represented.
The winner of the Stud dog class: Am/Can Ch Majekin Nemesis de Sangbleu, ROM (Trooper) with his son
Ch Marpeg's A Credit to Behold (Credit), his son Ch Marpeg's Beelzebub at Jet (Bubba) and his son Majekin's Fusions With Jet
(Sean) (ptd).
Never before has 4 generations been represented in one class.
Trooper had 3 offspring with him, including the BOS winner Ch Jet's Dark Cloud V Majekin.
Credit had his 2 sons in the class - Bubba and Strider (Ch Marpeg's Walk of Life)
Bubba had his 2 offspring with him: Best Puppy in Specialty Ch Jet's Faux Paws V Majekin and Ch Majekin's
Fusion With Jet.