Here is a list of the people in the 1991 photo starting from the back row, left to right, the woman bending is our first
Marj Kuyt - Kathryn Hamilton -Joan Federow - Leona Busch - Brent Koop - Mrs Tom Burke - Tom Burke, judge
- Kathy Montgomery (BOS)
Jenie Marlow - Susan Hibblen (Woodliffe) - Marg Street - Ron Morris - Marty Morris
Front row sitting, left to right
Bonnie Ritchie - Jean Hodgins - Laurence Hoye -Fran Hoye (in blue, standing with BB rosette)- Diana
Kinnear - Joanne Kennedy - Ann McPhee - Murray Lutz
Marion Postgate - Peggy Flesher
missing from photo - Koreen Brown (Nadon) and Kathleen Nadon
Jeri Pabst